Our Programs
Through our Healthy Families Programming, Safe Harbor offers preventive programs in our schools and through parent education and community connection events. Our youth programs, which engage each grade annually from Kindergarten through 12th grade, are evidence-based cognitive behavior interventions. For parents and the community, Safe Harbor facilitates workshops and organizes various community events.
Parenting Education
Safe Harbor offers various proactive parenting workshops throughout the year. Including our mental health & wellness fair on May 1st at Christ Church Day School
Drug Prevention
Safe Harbor produces an experiential half-day event with interactive activities for all 6th graders to learn about drug awareness and prevention.
MAY | Mental Health Awareness Month
Catch the Wellness Wave! Safe Harbor’s 1st Annual Mental Health & Wellness Fair.
Turtle Time
A four-session intervention program teaching students, Pre-K - 1st grade about "BIG" feelings and learn coping skills.
Anger Management
A three-session intervention program that teaches 2nd - 4th graders to assess expressions of anger.
Pause Power
A three-session intervention program teaching 5th - 8th grade students to assess their emotional well-being and regain control of thoughts, feelings and behavior.
CMS Wellness Wednesdays
A monthly program for middle school students utilizing games and activities to build connections among peers and trusted adults.
Game Club
A weekly interactive session utilizing board games to help high school students explore their current friendships, initiate new relationships, and connect with trusted adults.
Aloha Club
New to Coronado? Join our Aloha Club!
Check Your Mood
An annual event that encourages youth to check-in on their emotional well-being.
Digital Life Lessons
See what’s coming in our new digital and cyber safety programming.